Magna Romagna: Revitalizing Italodance with Their New Release “Italodance” The vibrant and nostalgic sounds of Italodance are making a comeback with the latest release from Magna Romagna. Their new single, simply titled “Italodance,” is now available on all major music...
“Wheel of Fortune” Remix by M.A.B.: A Fresh Spin on Ace of Base’s Classic Hit In an electrifying update to the dance music scene, the “Wheel of Fortune” remix by M.A.B. has taken the world by storm, proving that Ace...
Magna Romagna and Adeejay Transform “Puttin’ On the Ritz” into an Electronic Dance Masterpiece
8 months agoIn a musical venture that transcends time and genre, Italian music enthusiast “Genna” of Magna Romagna collaborates with the talented Adrian Lupu, known as Adeejay, to breathe new life into the timeless classic, “Puttin’ On the Ritz.” The electronic dance...
In the dynamic world of electronic dance music, a new gem has emerged, sparkling with the vibrant rhythms of Italodance. Tomma Slowbeat, the Cesena-born maestro of dance and slow dance genres, has dropped his latest single “Copacabana” on January 12,...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvIzEi1gO8cVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Magna Romagna | 🎅 Christmas '23 Mixtape 💿 | 🇮🇹 Best Italodance Music (?) 🪩 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvIzEi1gO8c) ‘Tis the season to be jolly and dance to the beat of the holidays! Magna Romagna,...
**Release Date:** December 13, 2023 **Artists:** Gigi D’Agostino & Luca Noise **Label:** Gigi D’Agostino Planet Today marks a significant milestone in the world of electronic music with the release of “Smoderanza 2,” an album that promises to be a sensational...
Get ready to immerse yourself in a sonic adventure as Tømma, the electronic music maestro hailing from Cesena, Italy, is set to release his latest EP, “reVision,” on November 17, 2023. Against all superstitions, this EP promises a unique blend...
The Italodance Renaissance: Magna Romagna’s Three New Singles! If there’s one thing we know about the Italodance music scene, it’s that it never ceases to amaze and evolve. And this time, Magna Romagna is leading the dance floor with...